
Joop Bongaerts – mucisian

Joop Bongaerts – musician

After his work and education in the SFX industry, Joop Bongaerts started his schooling as a musician in 2017. Under the supervision of Andreas van Zoelen, principal subject teacher classical saxophone, he started his pre-education in Tilburg at the Academy of Music and Performing Arts for classical saxophone. After a successful audition, 4 years of intense study followed, including master classes and lessons from: the Rascher Saxophone Quartet, Ryo Noda, Claude Delangle and Herman Vincken. Within this period Joop specialised on the Tenor and Baritone Saxophone. In 2022 Joop obtained the Bachelor of Music.

Over the years Joop has been active in a variety of orchestras and ensembles, some examples of which are; The Frits Bayens Bigband, Harmonie St. Michael Thorn, the Fontys Wind Quintet and a variety of project orchestras including the NJFO and Orkest Zuid. With his background in music, Joop Bongaerts strives for craftsmanship and teamwork, with an affinity for both classical and light music styles.